Part 35: Mission 14 (Japan Route) - The Black Executor - Part 1
Choose to stay in Japan and everything progresses pretty much the same. Only difference is Richard mentioning that hes worried about how quiet the Katous have been: they must be gearing up for something big. Arnies relieved, since staying here likely means he wont run into Graham and Jin, and Saya says her piece to him.That said, we do get an extra scene after this one

: ...

: (Kouichi Hayases also joined JUDA, so theres no reason for me to observe him anymore...)

: (Its probably only a matter of time before I leave this school
Ding, dong!*

: Heeey, Kizaki!

: (Huh? Kouichi Hayase?!)

: Um
Theres something thats been bugging me since the last time we spoke

: You didnt know the first thing about me, so I dont see any reason for you to just come out and tag me a violent thug, you know?

? Did you chase after me just to say that?

: Yeah! I want you to take that back, you know?

: ... That said, I still got this sinking feeling that weve met before...


: W-Waaaaah! The hell

: Oho, you dodged my punch? Thats pretty good.

: ?! You
youre Domyoji!

: Ah, you remember me? Much appreciated.

: An acquaintance of yours, is he? You seem to have a lot of enemies.

: No, I never met the guy! All I know is that he was a transfer student here; only he assaulted someone right after he came in and got sent to juvie

: Yeah, and I got off the joint last week. Word around the streets youve been doing pretty nicely while I was gone.

: Huh? What do you mean, nice

: It wasnt nice at all! We had the worst time ever because of you!

: Furuya?! That was your own damn fault for starting crap with me to begin with!

: See, that guy there, Furuya? He did me a solid way back when

: And when I heard someone was giving my buddy grief, well, I couldnt just do nothing.

: Urgh, what a pain... Listen, I dunno what place you got sent to, but Im crazy strong, you hear?

Sounds like fun!

: Then suck on this! Haah!
Kouichi rushes him down!*

: ! Hes fast

Not! Haah!

: What?! U-Uurgh

: (It cant be
He countered?! But Kouichi Hayases a Factor

: Yeeeaah! Youre the best, Domyoji!

: (Wh-What just happened?! A Factors supposed to have way stronger physical abilities than a regular person, right

: Ill admit that youre strong AND quick, but you got no idea how to fight right.

: But it aint in me to take things slow, so Im gonna have to put you down pronto!

: Armas?! You
Are you with the Katou Organization?!

: Huh?! Hey, those things
aint those the guys who were on TV?! Duude, check it out! Its really them!

: Whaaat?! You didnt call them

: (Hes not a Factor, and hes not with the Katou Organization either. Then

: (Is he simply strong?!)
The Arms step forward.*

: Wh-What?! Are they coming after us?!

: Heh-Heheheh
Ah, right, you cant do jack when youre up against robots!

: Come! Linebarrel!

: Th-The hell?! Wh-wh-wh-whuh

: (He called the Linebarrel?! Doesnt he even care that there are civilians in the area?!)

: Whoa, I did
not see this coming! Youre gonna fight those guys?! Lemme in on that bot too, dude!

: Sorry, Domyoji
but this isnt a game.

: Heh

: Aaah, that was siiick! I just met someone awesome!

: Look at that robot! Look at it!


: (He didnt even think twice before calling the Linebarrel right around civilians

: (Kouichi Hayase
you are
positively despicable!)
As for deployments, Kouichi, Saya and the Fafner kids are going out as event units, so well go with this:
Sun Quan/Rennie
Tactician: Ylbora
Just maximize the amount of people that can either fly and/or use Accelerate.
The ALVIS folks have just arrived at JUDA and present themselves to Ishigami, including Koyo, the newly-assigned Mark Vier pilot. Ishigami does note Mayas surname and figures shes Toumis daughter shes got no unit of her own, so shell be working as part of our support staff.
Joes a bit surprised that they're all a bunch of kids, as he was expecting hardened vets to be flying special units like those. Shangxiang sniffs that Joes also too young to be rocking that attitude
but, as Lu Xun points out, shes not exactly a grown lady either (Rennie wonders how old our Gundams friends actually are).
Now, Ishigami would love to introduce them to one of JUDAs fine pilots but, unfortunately, hes in school. School? Yeah, turn out hes about the Fafner kids age, so Ishigami hopes theyll be fast friends. Theyve also got kids like us fighting around here
? Koyo ponders inwardly.
That said, some rather worrying intel just came in about said pilot, so Ishigami would like to send Eida and Saya on a small mission.

: H-Hey

: You again
what do you want?

: Sorry if what happened back there startled you. That robots called the Linebarrel, see? And its kinda mine

: (Yours

: I cant really go into details, but I just wanted you to know
Door opens!*

: A-ha! Found you, Hayase!

: Hrgh
! Domyoji
and Furuya?! Whatdya want?!

: Easy, there; we just figured we oughta set things right. Get to it, Furuya!

Im sorry, Kouichi!

: Whuh?!

: He told me everything that happened. How he was mad, got a bunch of guys to ambush you and they wound up getting their asses kicked instead.

: I didnt know any of that, but it dont change the fact that I was his accomplice when I got talked into picking a fight with you. And Im really sorry about that, Hayase.

: A-Ah, no
I-Its fine. Im also sort-of to blame for all that, so

: Oh, really?! Thats just great, buddy!

: (Buddy?!)

: Okay, and now that all bridges are fixed, we got a little proposition for you!

: How about you let us be your support crew?

: My what now

: Listen, Ive been thinking
Youre piloting that robot and fighting a bunch of bad dudes, so that would make you a CHAMPION OF JUSTICE, right?

: Eeh, yeah, I guess you could say that


: It cant be easy to do that kinda work and be a student too, so I figured we should do whatever we can to help you out.

: (
We? Oh, god, what do I do
? Im getting dragged right into this mess

: Listen, I understand what youre getting at, and I appreciate it
but are you really gonna put your neck on the line just to have some fun?

: Not some! A whole LOT of fun!


: Hah
Alright, sounds good! Glad to have you aboard!

: (Wh-What
happened? Did they become friends just like that? I dont get any of this!)

: You, too, girl. Lets all put our hands together and make it official.

: (Oh, nooooo!)


: ?! Wh-What?!
SRW UX - Roaring Deathblow

: You worms like making women cry, eh
?! Im gonna make you pay for it in spades!


: Um
And you are?

Im Saya Asamiya, the local delinquent queen! O-Oh, wait, what Im supposed to say is

: You dont deserve to know my name!


: You know her, Hayase

: Erm
Yeah, kinda
Door opens.*

: S-Sorry about that, Kouichi
This is not how this was supposed to go

: Eida?! Okay, whats going on here?

: And whys Saya dressed like a schoolgirl and spinning that yoyo around? This some sort of prank I havent heard about?


: U-Um
excuse me, but are you Eida Rossa, the idol singer?!

: Yes, I am. Why do you ask?

: I-I knew it! Im a huge fan! Could I please shake your hand?!

: Oh, of course! But, in exchange, can I ask you to keep quiet about this meeting here?

: Absolutely! Aah, be still my heart! Im never washing this hand again!

: (Hah
Now theres a side of him I didnt think he had.)

: These girls are all your friends, Hayase? Im sure not gonna get bored with you folks!

: Well, isnt that nice

: Risako?! Whatre you doing in that corner?!

: Oh, Im just being left out
as always. But Im already used to it, so it doesnt bother me... no, sir, not at all

: B-But this really isnt anything you need to worry about

: Hey, dont do her like that, Hayase. Let her come along, will ya? The more girls, the better!

: Huh? You mean it?! Yaaay!

: Oh, brother

: And, you, the cosplaying chick get in here too! Pulling pranks with your crew is way better than doing it solo, yeah?


: Alright, folks! Were gonna be busting our backs to help out Hayase, ya hear?!

: I dont really know whats going on, but YEAH!

: The Hayase Corps. has just been born!

: (C-Corps
Someone save me

: Biingoo. I can put them to very good use
Cut to the Shangri-La, Dmitri isnt too sure about letting Riku handle things and Sawatari has to agree with him. Tubs there used to be a huge terrorist, doesnt trust others, doesnt keep subordinates of his own
Sawatari doubts hes suited to lead any op.
Yulianne, however, disagrees: this op in particular is perfect for someone like him. Besides, the little piggys completely enamored with Katou, which makes him a wonderful pawn. Katou himself is well aware of how delusioned the kid is, but delusion can have great power. Its for that reason Katou saved him
However, the moment he mistook that delusion for actual imagination, he

: Kouichi Hayases being targeted? And you were also sent here to keep watch on him

: Hmhmm. Eida and I have been tasked with assisting you on your mission.

: Eidas with him right now, so were hoping we can meet up later and plan things out

: I understand. Its a pleasure to be working with you both.

: But
dont you think that disguise is a bit out of place?

: It is, isnt it
? I was a bit doubtful myself

: Joe coached me on how to introduce myself, but the Major insisted on the outfit and the props

: You dont have it easy, huh? Still, I think it best to point something out just to be sure

: A yoyo is not a weapon

: Come on, Kizaki!
Thats the part you got a problem with?!

: ?! Youre

: Domyoji, what are you doing here

: I thought something was fishy with all that prank business, so I followed when Ms. Delinquent Queen here pulled you away.

: What was all that talk about Hayase being targeted and you keeping watch on him?

: Th-That was

: Wh-What the?!

: Yeeheeheee

: A-A giant robot?! This really isnt a prank, is it?!

: That Arma... its the one with the explosive pellets that attacked Atami!

: Aaah!

: Kizaki?! Saya

: Hrrgh
! L-Let us go!

: Whatre you doing with those girls, creep?!

: Oh, nothing
Im just giving them a lift
Yeeheee! Eeeheeheee!
Fly away!*

: S-Stop! Kch
Who was that guy?!
Cut back to JUDA, Ogawa tells us of the attack and the girls kidnapping by the Katou Organization same crazy guy from the Atami ambush, even, says the intel. Ishigami expected them to go after Kouichi directly, but not to pull something like this.
Richard groans at that insane terrorist from before being behind it, and Toumis surprised at how calm he is right now. Isnt he worried for his daughter? Of course he is, but he knows enough to keep himself thinking straight.
That said, as Ishigami points out, were dealing with someone who wont hesitate to attack even civilians, so we need to be very careful. Ishigami also requests the ALVIS folks help with this and Soushi agrees: he still needs to check the Siegfried System now that its installed on the Elshank, but the Fafners will be ready to deploy and assist.
Kazuki cant believe how blasé he is with the two girls kidnapped but, as Soushi points out, theyve both been trained for situations like this. Kazuki and the others should focus solely on the mission at hand.
Hmph, thats exactly what Id expect to hear from the guy who just watched Shouko kill herself to protect the island, Koyo sniffs. But were not mercs or soldiers. No one told us told anything about the Fafners or all the battles going on outside our island until now!
But Soushi fires back that thats because Koyo and the others never cared to try and learn anything in the first place, content with the paradise they lived in. As it turns out, their island, their paradise, has always simply been walled off from the flames raging around them and Soushi hopes theyve understood that by now.
Koyo doesnt like being called out, but Shinn steps in and points out that this is hardly the time for bickering. Toumi agrees, saying that they should direct that energy towards rescuing the captives. I know that. And unlike Kazuki and Soushi, I
will get them both back safe! Koyo harrumphs.
Back in town, Kouichi and Eida are in pursuit of Rikus Arma it looked like he went towards the Ōi Harbor. Kouichi asks that she go and meet up with the rest of our crew while he gets in the Linebarrel.
Domyoji arrives right then, yelling that Saya and Emi got kidnapped little late with that intel, of course. Kouichi tells him to stand back and beckons the Linebarrel
only the Machina doesnt show up, despite his yelling. What the?
Location: Ōi Harbor Abandoned Warehouse

: What did you kidnap us for...?

: Yeeheehee
Tell me, do you know about the bombing that happened in Shanghai five years ago?

: In Shanghai? Thats the one where over twenty thousand people died, right?

: Right-o. And you know who did it? Me, all by myself.

Why would you do something as horrible as that?

: To check my imagination, of course! The people who died then didnt imagine for even one second that they were going to lose their lives in an explosion.

: All of them figured that day was gonna go on, end, and then another one would come
In other words!

: When that bomb went off, I exceeded the imagination of twenty three thousand, five hundred and two people!


: You
do you not feel anything over what you did?! The value of the lives you took, the pain all those people went through
is that meaningless to you?!

: Yup, it is. Because its my sacred mission to bring despair to those who cannot even imagine their own futures!

: And, still, Kouichi Hayase
dared to say that my imagination wasnt all that!

: And so Ill make his life a living hell! Ill make him suffer so much, hell pray for death!

: Youre a monster

: I dont have any problem with you personally, but you seemed to be good friends with him
So Im gonna have to make you the instrument of my revenge! Ill rain misery on him through you!


: I presume youre not aware that Im with JUDA?

: Hah! Well, thats convenient! Then youre not only a valuable hostage to Kouichi Hayase, but to JUDA too!

: Then
you had no idea who I am when you kidnapped me, right?

: Kizaki

: It doesnt make any difference to me who you are. Youre his dear friend whos been taken hostage, and Ill blow off your arms and legs right in front of him. And then

: In that case, Ill take the time to teach you just one thing.

: Huh
SRW UX - Linebarrel (Full Intro)

: Reality
exceeds your imagination!
Mission 14 (Japan Route) The Black Executor


: Th-The Linebarrel?!

: It cant be! Kouichi Hayases supposed to be its Factor
Whats going on?!

: (Its been a very long time, Linebarrel

: Theres always only one Factor for any Machina

: Lets go, Linebarrel! Stabilize fields; then, activate counter-nanomachines!

: Engage real-time teleportation in response to targets movements at intervals 6, 7, 2, 3, 5, 8

?! Its turned black?! Still, that doesnt change anything


: I dont really get whats going on here, but I just need to destroy the Linebarrel and it wont matter!

: Ooorgh! Wh-What was that?!

: Lepton Vectrer, output stable. Internal pressure is green

: Saya

: Kizaki, I wont ask how you were able to summon the Linebarrel.

: The only thing that matters right now is dealing with the enemy!

: Thank you, Saya

: Hmph, so you got that jet to help you out. Big deal

: Huh?! Whatre you doing?! I thought I told you to hang back!

: We understand, but these are direct orders from Cmdr. Katou. He told us to support the 8th unit

: He did?! Hmph, then I guess its fine
Just make sure you dont get in my way!

: Im ending this now!